Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
The End is Coming
Does it feel like the end of the world is coming? What am I to do? Horde my money? Vote for someone who I...
See One, Do One, Teach One
In medical school, books and lectures were only the beginning. Learning to practice medicine was never left to didactics alone....
First Responders
In emergency medicine those who are first on the scene for heart attacks, strokes, and other life threatening problems are...
He is Everywhere
Our boss caught us loafing! We always worked hard in his presence, but sometimes we were not as diligent in our work when he...
Change My Heart
The song “Change my heart, O Lord; make me ever new” is occasionally sung in my prayers much differently,...
Belief – Actions
I used to enjoy teaching resident doctors the art of medicine – how to communicate to patients, showing them kindness and...
God’s Demands vs My Desires
"I grew up on a reservation in South Dakota, filled with resentment and anger toward the white man." These were the...
What a Legacy!
I say to myself, The Lord is my inheritance, therefore, I will hope in him. Lamentations 3:25 NLTReading this Scripture...
Drudgery or Joy?
Life is difficult! At times nothing seems easy. In fact, it can become drudgery - menial tasks, the toils of everyday...
What Water Am I Drinking?
But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. John 4:14 NLTThe Source of Living Water is always near...
Looking for Lessons in Unusual Places
Life lessons can be found in unusual places. For instance, Jesus while walking with his disciples said,Now...
God Is Near
The Christmas season has not ended for me as I continue to meditate on Immanuel – God with us. The fact that God is...
The Wonderful "Smallness" of Christmas
When we first moved to Hungary in 1996, I shopped in small local stores. Budapest changed as malls and "mega-stores"...
Staying in Style
I like to dress in style. However, I learned as a teenaged boy that I could not keep up with changing fashions. So I decided on a...
Is God Enough?
Is God sufficient for all my needs? “Of course!” is my reflex response. But what am I really thinking? “If...
Thanksgiving in Adversity
Life is hard.In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33Scripture tells us...
A Lavish Lifestyle
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 NIV.Giving generously is...
Strive or Surrender?
The world has always told me to strive. I listened. I studied hard through years of education and I have worked diligently all...