IHS Global® equips Christians in healthcare and beyond through working in partnership with Christian organizations who have a shared vision, commitment and DNA. The International Saline Partnership is a multilateral covenant partnership around the Saline Process®. Other partners connect with IHS Global to roll out the equipping of witnesses within their organizations.


CMDFA is a fellowship of doctors and dentists and associated healthcare professionals who take membership of CMDFA as part of making a stand as a follower of Christ in healthcare.

Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia

Christian Medical Fellowship of the United Kingdom

CMF-UK unites and equips Christian doctors. We were formed in 1949 and currently have over 4,000 UK doctors and around 1,000 UK medical students as members.

Healthcare Christian Fellowship International

HCFI strives to inspire and equip all Christians serving in healthcare to manifest Jesus Christ in daily life and work.

The mission of ICMDA is to encourage and equip Christian Medical and Dental Students and Graduates to grow to Christian maturity and live out their faith within their clinical practice and beyond.

International Christian Medical and Dental Association

Alapitvany to IHS - Hungary

IHS Alapítvány’s primary mission is to help Christian healthcare workers. Their goal is to provide support so that they can live out their faith in their workplace and be a real blessing in their circles.

Nurses Christian Fellowship International

International Saline Partnership

The Mission of NCFI is to equip and encourage Christian nurses to integrate Biblical principles and Christ-centered values within clinical practice, leadership, education and research.

Ukraine Medical Outreach

The mission of UMO is to minister to the unreached and underserved in Ukraine by equipping Christians and Christian medical professionals to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God to their colleagues and patients.