Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
Devoted or Lukewarm?
Devote yourself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Colossians 4:2 NLTI ask myself, What does it mean to...
No Regrets!
Regrets come in many flavors:1. Some regrets require my repentance. I must do so.2. Some regrets are caused by...
How Can It Be?
Never in my lifetime have I had more time-saving devices, yet I don’t seem to have enough time. How can that be?Never...
Spiritual Fitness
Physical activity is a daily part of my life. I enjoy the discipline of “working out." It fits my personality...
The Paradox of Love - Grace and Truth
I used to think that love was a “balance between grace and truth” – as if they could be separated....
A Confident Hope
I used to think that hope was a feeling of expectation and desire for something good. For instance, as a young boy I hoped for...
The Paradox of the Invisible and the Visible
God tells me that the invisible is as real as the visible. As a scientist I struggle to believe in things I cannot see, touch...
Meekness Versus Impertinence
Rarely do I hear people talk about the desire for meekness. Rarely do I hear a sermon on meekness. And rarely do I think about...
Full of Myself or Full of God
I desperately want to be a man after God's own heart. Early in the morning with a cup of coffee in hand and my Bible in my...
My Merit Versus God's Mercy
A battle wages within me...somehow believing that I am good enough for God's acceptance rather than believing that it is...
Love of Power versus Power of Love
A battle wages within me daily — the love of power or the power of love? The winner of this battle determines how I live...
Faith Versus Sight
A battle wages within me daily — What to believe? Should I trust only what I can see — the visibly obvious? Or can...
The Purpose of This Email
A colleague of mine often begins his emails with the phrase "The purpose of this email...". This simple direct...
The Seal of Approval
In the early 20th century, the Good Housekeeping Magazine initiated the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval....
The Sin of the Desert
A story is told of a Bedouin shepherd's response to the persistence of a man telling him...
He Chooses the Unexpected
To whom does God turn when He wants to accomplish His work? When I look for a new employee, I consider education, work...
It Seems Right!
What book do I turn to for answers to the difficult questions in my life? A friend of mine believes that everyone's life...
What Spills Out When I Am Bumped
Medicine has very sophisticated ways to monitor what is going on inside the body – heart monitors next to blood pressure...
Seeking Wisdom and Power
With the world seeming to increasingly spin out of control, seeking wisdom about and power over the events in my own life...
Borrowing Future Worries for Present Consumption
I have just finished a wonderful week filled with specific answers to prayer. Praise God. I am filled with gratitude. Even so I...