Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
Teachable Moments on the Journey
Without knowing our destination, any journey becomes a series of wandering trails. Stephen Covey in his book The 7 Habits of...
A Christmas Thought – Small, Slow and Simple
SMALL, SLOW, SIMPLE. These are the words of an Indian colleague at a meeting in Singapore - her strategy for equipping...
Struggles on the Journey – Forgetfulness
To-do lists litter my desk as I struggle against forgetfulness. Remembering is always a challenge. God has called me to a...
Struggles on the Journey – Enough
Not having enough is certainly a problem. A lack of food, money or medicine can be life-threatening and is experienced by...
Struggles on the Journey – A Heart of Thanksgiving
At times, I followed my mother’s instructions begrudgingly when she would say, “Bob, you must write a thank you...
Struggles on the Journey – The Influences of the World
Miscalculating my ability to resist the subtle influences of the world around me can result in not-so-subtle negative outcomes...
Struggles on the Journey – Clarity
My thoughts and ideas have no meaning to others until they find full expression in clearly articulated words – written or...
Struggles on the Journey – Forgetting My Identity
How I view myself - my identity - is shaped by my early childhood development, education, vocational life, family, church and...
Struggles on the Journey - Lack of Joy
The intent of God is that I live a life of relentless joy. However, I often find myself living inside the story of my...
Struggles on the Journey – Hubris
Hubris – excessive pride and a sense of self-importance - is a constant temptation for me. Yet if you knew me well, you...
Struggles on the Journey – Hiding
As I listened to the story of his journey to Jesus, I was amazed by his nonchalant transparency. He described his family...
Struggles on the Journey – Crazy Busy
Is there any way to describe the pace of modern life other than – crazy busy? We live in a 24 hour society with non-stop...
Struggles on the Journey – My Unavailability
While living in Hungary, through an amazing set of circumstances, the President of Hungary made himself available for a 30...
A Conduit Not A Reservoir
Collecting has always been a part of my nature. As a boy, I used my paper route earnings to collect coins and antiques. Books...
Leading Like a Shepherd
Studying leadership over the years, I have read books by people like Stephen Covey, Peter Drucker, John Maxwell, and others. I...
The Cost of Forgiveness
I often say, "Please forgive me" so glibly that I give little thought to the deep suffering my words or actions may...
Strangers in the Land
I find new foreign foods and unusual customs a fun adventure. Yet while traveling internationally, my thoughts are never far...
I Want My Prayers Answered
At times, I present my life's needs and desires to God in a list with a timetable. I am like a child who does not know what...
The Path to Selflessness
"Dad, this conversation is not about you!" These words lovingly whispered in my ear by my daughter caused me to stop...
Neighborly Advice
My "two cents’ worth" is, at times, worth just that — especially when my advice comes without offering...