Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
Checking My Spiritual Vital Signs
As an emergency physician, I always assessed vital signs. Checking heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature...
Expiration Dates
Are you as confused by the expiration dates on the food items at the grocery store as I am? "Sell by" dates,...
Smart About the Unimportant
"You are so smart when it comes to things that aren't important." These words spoken by the wife of a friend made...
Preventing a Hardened Heart
AtherosclerosisA hardening and narrowing of the arteries that is often the cause of heart attacks and stroke caused by high...
Designed to Flourish
I long to live life to the fullest — to flourish and to thrive. But many days fall short. In fact, on some days I...
Set in My Ways
Change is hard. Brain researcher, Dr. Gerhard Roth of the University of Bremen in Germany, explains why. "The brain is...
I looked in the mirror and thought... not so bad a guy. Selfishness and pride married to rationalizations and excuses leads to...
Based on a True Story
I sometimes read Reader’s Digest — true stories about real people delivering a more powerful punch than fiction. In...
The Ministry of Fault Finding
In literature classes during my college days, I was taught to analyze the works of great authors. At times, however, it seemed...
So Easy... the Life of Hypocrisy
Years ago, late at night, a fistfight began just outside of my college dorm room. As I opened the door, I was surprised to...
Some Things Are Not An Option
I grew up on a reservation in South Dakota, filled with resentment and anger toward the white man." These were the words...
Godliness: An All-Day Activity
I asked my wife, Pamela, "So how did I do on the telephone?" Her response pierced me to the heart. "Not so well...
Where are the Cemeteries?
Walking the manicured cemetery of St. Peter's Anglican Church (St. Albans, United Kingdom) quieted my spirit. Graves of...
Learning in the Mundane of Life
I am always looking for deep spiritual truths in great teachings or spectacular events. However, I rarely look for valuable...
No Rule Book, No Lines, No Joy
Imagine a game of tennis without the lines. Just throw the rule book out the window. The way I play tennis, the temptation to...
Spiritual Clothing
As a young boy, visits from my maternal grandparents were infrequent but much anticipated. After they visited, I could count on...
Filled Full of...
Living in Philadelphia has filled me full of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team. When bumped, I am likely to spill over in...
Don't Lose Heart
Discouragement comes so quickly to me. Looking at the sad state of world affairs makes me wonder, "Is there any...
I Could Hardly Imagine
For six years I was a morning newspaper delivery boy. During those quiet, lonely, early morning hours, I often day dreamed...