Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
What Spills When I'm Bumped
Medicine has very sophisticated ways to monitor the physical well-being of patients - heart monitors next to blood pressure...
Seeking Wisdom and Power
With the world seeming to increasingly spin out of control, seeking wisdom about and power over the events in my own life...
Borrowing Future Worries for Present Consumption
I have just finished a wonderful week filled with specific answers to prayer. Praise God. I am filled with gratitude. Even so I...
One of the many challenges during the 20 years of practicing emergency medicine was consistently providing a faithful witness...
Oh, no...I cannot wait!
Waiting is an anathema to me. A long check-out line in the grocery store or a line at the ATM machine causes me great angst. My...
Where did my spiritual appetite go?
"[Many foreign] students who come to the United States for their college education are affluent and privileged. This...
Relevance vs. Righteousness
I love reading daily newspapers to keep abreast of the current affairs of the world. In addition, sports scores and summaries...
God's Liberating Love
I can remember sitting in 7th grade English class feeling small, unimportant and insignificant. My destiny was NOT running with...
Knowing vs. Being Known
Knowledge is a much-rewarded commodity in our culture today. Striving to know has been a large part of my journey in life....
My GPS is set for Home
A recent trip to Tennessee had a specific purpose...to raise funds for the ministry of International Health Services. I used my...
Speaking Kindly to Myself
One of my most important daily conversations is the discussion I have with myself. Speaking lovingly to me is an important...
Obedience Yields Blessing
As a third year medical student on the obstetrical service, I spent much time studying childbirth — attending lectures...
Optimism vs. Hope
People are often labeled as optimists or pessimists. Many would label me as an optimist. Optimism is rooted in an attitude of...
Finding God in Disappointment
My disappointment was great. I had hoped for so much more. As I wallowed in my sorrow, I realized that my disappointment was...
Lessons in Forgiveness
Scientific research shows that when I forgive I will be happier and healthier. (Robert Enright Ph.D., International Forgiveness...
When Knowledge Meets Power
"Scienta potentia est" the Latin maxim of Sir Francis Bacon means "Knowledge is power". I have found that...
Take Heart
Unresolved problems can eat away at me, causing an underlying feeling of discouragement, desperation or sadness. Even with...
From "So What?" to "So That. . . ?"
"So what?" A professor in medical school used to tell us there is just too much information in the world. He...
Letting Go of Hurts
What he said about me was not true. . . how can I stop my desire to find revenge? Forgiveness and reconciliation do not come...