Split-second decisions
Split-second decisions in emergency medicine were often necessary. Although the issues may have differed, each decision was informed by my past—past training, past experience, and past prayer.
Whether in daily living or in emergency medicine, in crisis, the preparation of both the heart and the mind will determine the action.
Am I ready for the decisions of today? Is my heart and mind prepared for the moral and spiritual split-second decisions I will need to make? My walk with Jesus will determine my readiness.
Nehemiah knew about split-second decisions. He wept, prayed, and fasted upon hearing of the destruction of Jerusalem. He was prepared with specifics when the King asked what he needed to help his fellow Israelites. (Nehemiah 1-2:10)
Whether in daily living or in emergency medicine, in crisis, the preparation of both the heart and the mind will determine the action.
Am I ready for the decisions of today? Is my heart and mind prepared for the moral and spiritual split-second decisions I will need to make? My walk with Jesus will determine my readiness.
Nehemiah knew about split-second decisions. He wept, prayed, and fasted upon hearing of the destruction of Jerusalem. He was prepared with specifics when the King asked what he needed to help his fellow Israelites. (Nehemiah 1-2:10)
Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man. (Nehemiah 1:11b)
Will I be ready for the split-second decisions—even those daily decisions like choosing to be kind when irritated?
Join with me in the unseen preparations to make those split-second decisions pleasing to God.
Join with me in the unseen preparations to make those split-second decisions pleasing to God.
Sharing the journey with you,