Reaching generations

June, 2024

Have you ever looked back on a situation and questioned what you could have done differently? 

Several retired nurses shared with us their desire to be a witness in their workplaces. However, they struggled with not being confident, encouraged, and equipped to do so.  

After retirement, they encountered the Saline Process® witness training.  

“I wish I knew this sooner. Where has this been my entire professional life?” 

They explained that some of the elements mentioned in the training were occurring naturally. But it was lifechanging to learn the complexity of the Saline Process content, be coached on it, and grow in their communities. Once they were involved in the Saline Process, these retired nurses found the answers and encouragement they had lacked. 

Passionate about the witness training program, they are now teaching the witness training and even coaching others to teach the course! 

The Saline Process is reaching generations, equipping them to be witnesses at the bedsides and in the clinics where they work.  




Travelling long distance to a Saline Process witness training