ICMDA World Congress in Arusha, Tanzania

June, 2023

In June 2023, a team from IHS Global® traveled to Arusha, Tanzania to participate in the ICMDA World Congress. The theme for this Christian medical congress was “Serving with Love in a Hurting World” (Matthew 22:37-40), and nearly 1000 participants from 106 different countries attended. ICDMA (International Christian Medical and Dental Association) is a part of the International Saline Partnership, and we are blessed and honored to work alongside such wonderful people. 

During the conference, IHS Global Executive Director, Gábor Győri, presented a breakout session, “Sharing Faith with Patients.” Additionally, IHS Global hosted a Saline Process breakfast for all Saline Process witnesses and trainers attending the World Congress, which was a great time to reconnect and make new friends. We organized a well-received booth during the conference to support ICMDA and raise awareness about the Saline Process. IHS Global also hosted an Saline Process® Witness Training and an Saline Process Training the Trainers in partnership with ICMDA during the pre-congress. Please celebrate with us the 19 new witnesses, 7 new witness trainer-apprentices, and 3 new certified witness trainers, representing 9+ countries. We praise God for each one and ask for your prayers for them, that God may use them in powerful ways.

Our team loved the worship and fellowship with brothers and sisters from all over the world at the World Congress, and we look forward to keeping up with the relationships in Christ that were built during this time. 


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