Sam Spatafore
Director of Ministry Advancement

Sam met Jesus at 16 years of age and has been following Him with varying degrees of success for the last 4 ½ decades. He has been active in all forms of church work from cleaning the bathrooms to full-time ministry (sometimes on the same day).

Sam was employed for 15 years as a teacher and administrator at Coastline Christian Academy. Later, he served as senior pastor of Tree of Life Christian Fellowship in New London, Connecticut (now Thames River Church) for 20 years. After stepping down from the pastorate, Sam spent a month in the Philippines encouraging and being encouraged by the believers there.

In April of 2018, Sam was recognized for his work with the local Women’s Shelter. While the work was simple service to abused women and their families, it was some of the most fulfilling work of his life.

Sam has one wife, three children and three grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with his family, reading, cooking, hiking, kayaking, and fishing.

Just before moving home to New Jersey, Sam discovered IHS Global on LinkedIn and fell in love with their ministry model and the Saline Process witness training. For reasons he still does not understand, IHS Global hired him. He serves as their Director of Ministry Advancement and thoroughly enjoys his work.

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