Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
Praise God from Whom All blessings flow...
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow" - Singing the doxology in church as a young boy, I imagined that "all...
Is this community?
There they were - hundreds of people with iPods and MP3 players dancing in the middle of Paddington Train Station in...
Travel Advisory - Less Baggage Is Better
My traveling companion's luggage revealed the depth of his experience...a small bag for two weeks in Russia and Kyrgyzstan....
Misplaced Confidence
While watching a uniformed man purposefully waving a flag from the roof of our hotel in India, my wife, Pamela, confidently...
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Second Law of Thermodynamics finds its living proof in my life! This law states:All of life's processes manifest...
Joyful competition?
Competition - the rivalry for supremacy - is a great joy to me. Whether a basketball game or a golf match...winning is...
As a paperboy, I began each morning reading the sports page, then the comics, and finally the front page. Only then would I hop...
Hearing Impaired
A blind physician colleague once said to me, "I would rather be blind than deaf." I was taken aback . . . could that...
Spiritual Clothing
As a young boy, visits from my maternal grandparents were infrequent but much anticipated. After they visited, I could count on...
Improving Effectiveness and Productivity
Effectiveness, efficiency and productivity have always been an issue for me in my work life. As an emergency physician time was...
What Motivates Me?
“What motivates you to do what you do?” This question from a friend triggered thoughts back to my childhood. As a...
Learning at the Cold End of the Stethoscope
I have had the privilege of learning under many extraordinary teachers. However, some of my best teachers have been the...
Bob Snyder's Surgery
Dear Journey Readers,We wanted you to know that Bob's prostate surgery went well. He is now home from the hospital and...
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
Mother’s Day is full of flowers, love and attention. Earth Day is considered an international event. But on Good Friday,...
Change my heart, O Lord
The song “Change my heart, O Lord; make me ever new” is occasionally sung in my prayers much differently,...
Warnings Ignored
Lights flashing. Sirens wailing. No one responding. Everything inside of me told me to get out of there. But the person at the...
No Rule Book, No Lines, No Joy
Imagine a game of tennis without the lines. Just throw the rule book out the window. The way I play tennis, the temptation to...