Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
He is everywhere?
Our boss caught us loafing! We always worked hard in his presence, but sometimes we were not as diligent in our work when he...
Enough Resources?
I enjoy strategizing and implementing plans. Years ago the process of taking a design for a new emergency department and...
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Before leaving for a trip I usually print out internet driving instructions. For whatever reason, I had not followed my normal...
Smart People, Foolish Choices
Everywhere I turn there seem to be smart people making foolish choices. What is happening? As I look more closely, foolish...
Maturing Seeds
As a teenager, sitting on a tractor day in and day out, I learned to appreciate the difficulty of a planted seed maturing to...
Taxi Cab Wisdom
I hopped in a taxi last week to discover that my cab driver was from Kosovo. Knowing the turmoil of that region I said,...
Out of My Comfort Zone
Exercise has been a regular part of my daily routine for many years. My smug complacency regarding this routine was shaken last...
Not Learning our Lessons
The importance of learning lessons well was impressed upon me in my freshman year of medical school. A junior medical student...
A Wedding!
Today is her birthday - my first born daughter. The day of her birth is still such a vivid memory. Gentle eyes and spirit that...
Looking for God
One of my bad habits is failing to see God when circumstances don't live up to my expectations. In fact, I am often blinded...
A Serious Life's Work!
During a continuing medical education seminar, the lecturer made the following statement, "Many in this room need to take...
Christmas Blessings
I will be taking a break from writing these next few holiday weeks. But I couldn't miss the chance to wish you all a Merry...
God's Righteousness Revealed
I can still remember the first time I looked under a microscope. My elementary school teacher had scraped the surface of a...
A Spiritual Resumé
Interviewing candidates for a residency program in emergency medicine at Thomas Jefferson University is always enjoyable....
Wrong Thinking
I read with interest the New York Times best selling book, How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman. Dr. Groopman suggests...
Childlike Gratitude
Where has my thankfulness for the simple gifts of life gone? Where is my childlike gratitude? As I have “matured”,...
Laugh 2x/day and call me in the morning!
I love to laugh. I don't do it enough because I take myself too seriously. Lighten up, Bob!The first chapter of the...