Dr. Bob Snyder practiced emergency medicine for 15 years and served as co-chairman of the Emergency Medicine Department at Brandywine Hospital, Coatesville, PA. and served as faculty in Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. In 1996 God called Bob and his wife, Pamela, to Budapest, Hungary. As a result, IHS Global was birthed. Enjoy the writings from Bob over the many years of service.
Seeing Christmas Clearly
I can still remember the first time I looked under a microscope. The excitement that moment generated helped to solidify my...
An Attitude of Gratitude
The driver of the shuttle bus to the airport, Kevin, was a delightfully engaging man. He shared that he was a computer...
Too Many Choices!
Walking into the convenience store in the early morning reveals much about our world -- scores of people with a mission to fill...
The Object of Our Faith
"My hope is built on nothing less,Than Jesus blood and righteousness"The words of this classic hymn express...
Rhythms of Life
Rhythm is not only found in music, but in all of life. Medically, our bodies exhibit this quality in virtually every organ...
Values misplaced?
International Health Services, the organization with which I work, is hoping to open a Thrift Store. Assigning value to donated...
People vs. Projects
People are most important - not projects or programs - a simple concept that sounds so honorable but in reality is difficult to...
Reality vs. Mirage (Illusion)
Amazing! My friend with whom I was playing billiards thought my cue ball had leapt over another ball and knocked the...