Neighborly Advice

My "two cents’ worth" is, at times, worth just that — especially when my advice comes without offering assistance when needed. Advice costs me nothing. Involvement costs me time and resources. At times, I have thought that not getting involved was a wise use of my limited time and resources.

However, in the story of the Good Samaritan, (Luke 10:25-37) Jesus explains that true neighborly "advice" requires mercy expressed through action. In this parable, both a priest and a Levite, probably focusing on their own schedules and needs, pass by the obviously injured man, choosing not to use their time and resources.

Jesus suggests that a true neighbor gives more than advice. Engagement at a hands-on level is the neighborly way. The Samaritan man in this story:

  •     Goes to the man in need,
  •     Cleans up the wounds and bandages them, and
  •     Covers the cost of his continuing care.

Engagement extracts a cost that I often try to avoid but Jesus asks me to imitate the Samaritan man when he tells me,

  • Go and do likewise. (Luke 10:37 NIV) 

Obviously, we cannot meet the needs of the whole world. But will you join me this week in acting in a neighborly manner to those we find on our way?

Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder


Good Teaching — Good Testing


Solitary Places