Equipping Believers as
Intentional Witnesses

Where they live.

Where they work.

Where they play.

Witnesses Equipped
Trainers Equipped

(45 of which are restricted)

The Saline Process®

Training designed to equip Christian healthcare workers as witnesses to their patients at the bedsides and in clinics.

The Salt & Light Process™

A witness training to equip and mobilize any follower of Jesus as a witness where they live, work, or play.

Our Rapid Multiplication

Possible through unique partnerships with other Christian organizations with a shared vision, commitment, and DNA.

Anytime, Anywhere, with Anyone

IHS Global is changing the paradigm of sharing Jesus…


Your prayer is the foundation of IHS Global.

Would you please take a moment now and ask God to guide and bless this work?

May the Lord meet you at your point of need.


Your support provides us the opportunity to equip witnesses for Jesus around the world. 

Would you consider giving to this work?

If God leads you, please give today. We are grateful!

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